AHC: Eisenhower as a third party (or independent) candidate?
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David Tenner
2018-03-18 14:35:13 UTC
The most plausible scenario I can think of for a third-party (or independent)
Eiswnhower presidential campaign:

Henry Wallace gets renominated for VP in 1944, FDR-Wallace wins, Wallace
becomes president on FDR's death and gets the Democratic nomination against
divided opposition in 1948. The GOP nominates Taft--or even worse from Ike's
viewpoint, MacArthur. Ike runs as a "National Unity" candidate, against "the
extremists and isolationists of both the far left and far right."
David Tenner
Chrysi Cat
2018-03-24 08:55:49 UTC
Post by David Tenner
The most plausible scenario I can think of for a third-party (or independent)
Henry Wallace gets renominated for VP in 1944, FDR-Wallace wins, Wallace
becomes president on FDR's death and gets the Democratic nomination against
divided opposition in 1948. The GOP nominates Taft--or even worse from Ike's
viewpoint, MacArthur. Ike runs as a "National Unity" candidate, against "the
extremists and isolationists of both the far left and far right."
I'm not sure _those_ 4 candidates (if Wallace has a <D> after his name
rather than a <P>, you better _believe_ there'll be Dixiecrats running
Thurmond!) don't lead to a race thrown to the House, though.

Although I can also envision Wallace still carrying no states, with Ike
taking most of those that IOTL belonged to Truman, and I have no idea
who gets NY without a favourite son like Dewey running from it :-P
Chrysi Cat
1/2 anthrocat, nearly 1/2 anthrofox, all magical
Transgoddess, quick to anger
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