Japanese Empire (including Manchukuo & Mandates) teleported to southern hemisphere in November 1936 -
(too old to reply)
2016-04-10 13:37:35 UTC
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire and its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to what would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is teleported to the southern hemisphere, the basically the South Atlantic, in November 1936.

As (roughly) shown in the map, the imperial territories are teleported to their antipodes: Loading Image...

1) The Japanese home islands & waters (including south Sakhalin and the Kuriles) are now off the east coast of South America.

2) Manchukuo, assorted other parts of occupied China/eastern Inner Mongolia, and Korea are connected by land with Argentine Patagonia. Port Arthur is separated from Buenos Aires state by a fairly narrow strait, and the tip of Korea is separated from Uruguay by another fairly narrow strait.

3) The Bonin islands and the Japanese mandates of Micronesia end up in the South Atlantic, spread across much of the South Atlantic between the equator, Africa and the Brazilian bulge.

So 1-3 above affect all the parts of the Japanese Empire whose antipodes are in the the sea, the great majority of Japanese controlled territory and the great majority of the Japanese Army and Navy forces and infrastructure.

4) Things are different for imperial territories whose antipodes fall on land, Taiwan and the Ryukus. The land area only of those islands is teleported to the South American continent. Taiwan occupies central Paraguay, including the capital area of Asuncion, and a small part of the north Argentine state of "Formosa" ironically. The land area of the Ryukyu islands (best known being Okinawa) ends up scattered in their antipodal positions within the southern Brazilian states of Parana and Santa Catarina.

....on the opposite side of the world - http://imgur.com/PhMhItd

1) The Japanese empire, puppets and mandates have disappeared, replaced by South Atlantic sea floor and seawater. So that's the Japanese home islands, Manchuria, fringe territories of northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia, Korea and Micronesia. There is a large sea where Manchuria used to be and Outer Mongolia now has a seacoast. Guam is isolated with thousands of miles of sea, rather than Micronesia, surrounding it.

2) The weirdest situation is reserved for the areas where Taiwan and the Ryukyus used to be. Their land area is occupied by the corresponding landmasses from South America. So China's new neighbors are the island of Paraguay and the small Brazilian island chain.

What happens from there, with militarist Japan now in the western hemisphere and Atlantic rather than in the Asia Pacific?
2016-04-15 13:22:18 UTC
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire and
its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to what
would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is teleported
to the southern hemisphere, the basically the South Atlantic,
in November 1936.
Your ASB teleportings make very high waves.
2016-04-20 23:55:26 UTC
Post by Bradipus
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire and
its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to what
would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is teleported
to the southern hemisphere, the basically the South Atlantic,
in November 1936.
Your ASB teleportings make very high waves.
equal volumes of water and ground are exchanged on each side, filling in any holes.
2016-04-24 19:16:07 UTC
On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 9:22:35 AM UTC-4, Bradipus
Post by Bradipus
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire
and its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to
what would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is
teleported to the southern hemisphere, the basically the
South Atlantic, in November 1936.
Your ASB teleportings make very high waves.
equal volumes of water and ground are exchanged on each side,
filling in any holes.
It's very hard to move water making no waves or spilling
2016-04-25 01:24:39 UTC
Post by Bradipus
On Friday, April 15, 2016 at 9:22:35 AM UTC-4, Bradipus
Post by Bradipus
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire
and its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to
what would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is
teleported to the southern hemisphere, the basically the
South Atlantic, in November 1936.
Your ASB teleportings make very high waves.
equal volumes of water and ground are exchanged on each side, filling in any holes.
It's very hard to move water making no waves or spilling
How big are the waves we are talking about? And how soon is the excess energy expended versus being a continuous process?
2016-04-23 20:24:57 UTC
Post by Rob
What happens from there, with militarist Japan now in the western hemisphere and Atlantic rather than in the Asia Pacific?

In the Asia-Pacific-

Geographic separation prevents the outbreak of further fighting between Chinese forces and Japanese and puppet forces from Manchukuo. There was not fullscale war at this time in OTL, just scattered skirmishes and probes at the edges of the Japanese sphere of influence. Any Japanese puppets or Japanese expats or troop contingents in the parts of China that are not ISOP'ed/ISOT/'ed/magically teleported are very small and pose no threat to the Chinese government.

Chiang Kai-shek in November 1936 is still trying to organize his next anti-communist extermination campaign and has not been forced into the United Front yet. The Chinese (like the rest of world) are of course horrified and mystified at the event that absconded the lost northeastern provinces to literally the other side of the world, but the upside is the Japanese are too far away to invade. For non-communist Chinese, threat perceptions shift so that if any power is considered a threat to China, it is the USSR.

As a consequence, China is likely to be interested in retaining a strong relationship with Germany. Germany will be glad to reciprocate for mainly economic reasons and because the newfound geographic separation between China and the Japanese Empire means Germany can be allied with both without offending the other.

The Mongolian People's Republic will find itself no longer landlocked.

Central Paraguay including the capital of Asuncion, now teleported to the Pacific is a small island that gets some assistance from the American-ruled Philippines, as do the Brazilian towns and villages and terrain that end up in the footprint of the Ryukyus. Over later decades, both probably see plenty of Chinese immigration.

The Pacific, in a naval sense, is now an American lake, with the French, Soviets and British as second-fiddle players. War Plan Orange obviously has to be rewritten.

One odd feature of the new Manchurian Gulf in northeast Asia is that the western Falkland island is located there right next to Soviet and Mongolian territory as a peninsula.

In the South Atlantic, Japanese land and sea power is basically concentrated opposite the whole South American coast from southern Brazil down to Patagonia, which now has a land border with the puppet states of Manchukuo and Mengkuo. The Port Arthur base is just across a small schannel from Montevideo or Buenos Aires. Japanese held Sakhalin island is not far from the eastern Falkland island, which remains in its place. The also transplanted Micronesian Mandates provide many bases for power projection throughout the south Atlantic all the way to the western coast of Africa.

The thorniest foreign policy issue Japan has at first is ensuring rights of transit through Argentine, Uruguyan, Paraguayan and Brazilian territory to exercise sovereignty over the Japanese and ethnic Chinese populations living in the landlocked enclaves of Taiwan and the Ryukyus. The Japanese lose, or are at least isolated from, any ships at sea around those areas at the time of the event, but Japan has all its OTL ground and airpower in those territories [which is not a huge percentage, but non-trivial].

The Japanese will be well positioned to trade with Africa and South America. The Japanese Army also does not need to worry about an army as formidable as that of the USSR or a neighbor as populous as China. The population of the Japanese Empire outnumbers the population of neighboring South American states significantly.

Because of a lower population, the Army probably sees the South American states as easier to dominate than China in any serious conflict. On the other hand, Brazil and Argentina exercise internal sovereignty more effectively than China and do not contain enclaves offering an easy excuse for Japanese intervention.

The Navy will likely regard the US and British navies as equally important adversaries.

Both the US and UK will be greatly disturbed about hemispheric and imperial security. As a consequence of shift in where the potential threat comes from, the US will likely begin to "rebalance" much of its fleet from the Pacific to the Caribbean and Atlantic. The Pacific won't be denuded entirely, but even within the Pacific the emphasis will increase on the eastern Pacific and protection of California and the Canal Zone. The naval presence in Puerto Rico and Florida is likely to be boosted alot.

The British can do a somewhat similar rebalance, if not actually moving forces from the Pacific, they can significantly reduce the area's priority for reinforcement. On the other hand, the British will feel the need to bolster their defenses in the South Atlantic, South Africa, Nigeria, West Africa and the Caribbean significantly.

Japan is still likely to regard its geopolitical interests as being better aligned to Germany and Italy than to other partners. They no longer have the common focus on the Soviet Union, but share tensions with the western powers. The Japanese in the ATL may be better positioned to send "volunteers" to support Franco is they can be made to care or somehow paid to participate.

If it occurs, a Japanese war in South America would be interesting. The southern cone countries are more vulnerable, but Brazil still has alot of hinterland, and the US will feel compelled to get involved much earlier.

If there is a WWII or an eventual Anglo-American war against Japan - It seems to me that they would overmatch Japan greatly and prevail, and the logistics would actually make it easier for them to apply their industrial power against Japan sooner. If there is a similar coalition to OTL, German-Japanese naval cooperation is obviously easier, and this does expand the deadliness of the US boat threat tremendously.
2018-02-15 03:33:39 UTC
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire and its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to what would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is teleported to the southern hemisphere, the basically the South Atlantic, in November 1936.
As (roughly) shown in the map, the imperial territories are teleported to their antipodes: http://i.imgur.com/7S2HPAo.jpg
1) The Japanese home islands & waters (including south Sakhalin and the Kuriles) are now off the east coast of South America.
2) Manchukuo, assorted other parts of occupied China/eastern Inner Mongolia, and Korea are connected by land with Argentine Patagonia. Port Arthur is separated from Buenos Aires state by a fairly narrow strait, and the tip of Korea is separated from Uruguay by another fairly narrow strait.
3) The Bonin islands and the Japanese mandates of Micronesia end up in the South Atlantic, spread across much of the South Atlantic between the equator, Africa and the Brazilian bulge.
So 1-3 above affect all the parts of the Japanese Empire whose antipodes are in the the sea, the great majority of Japanese controlled territory and the great majority of the Japanese Army and Navy forces and infrastructure.
4) Things are different for imperial territories whose antipodes fall on land, Taiwan and the Ryukus. The land area only of those islands is teleported to the South American continent. Taiwan occupies central Paraguay, including the capital area of Asuncion, and a small part of the north Argentine state of "Formosa" ironically. The land area of the Ryukyu islands (best known being Okinawa) ends up scattered in their antipodal positions within the southern Brazilian states of Parana and Santa Catarina.
....on the opposite side of the world - http://imgur.com/PhMhItd
1) The Japanese empire, puppets and mandates have disappeared, replaced by South Atlantic sea floor and seawater. So that's the Japanese home islands, Manchuria, fringe territories of northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia, Korea and Micronesia. There is a large sea where Manchuria used to be and Outer Mongolia now has a seacoast. Guam is isolated with thousands of miles of sea, rather than Micronesia, surrounding it.
2) The weirdest situation is reserved for the areas where Taiwan and the Ryukyus used to be. Their land area is occupied by the corresponding landmasses from South America. So China's new neighbors are the island of Paraguay and the small Brazilian island chain.
What happens from there, with militarist Japan now in the western hemisphere and Atlantic rather than in the Asia Pacific?
2018-03-17 13:13:59 UTC
Post by Rob
PoD - Due to ASB intervention, the entire Japanese Empire and its surrounding waters (corresponding more or less to what would be in its EEZs of the successor states) is teleported to the southern hemisphere, the basically the South Atlantic, in November 1936.
As (roughly) shown in the map, the imperial territories are teleported to their antipodes: http://i.imgur.com/7S2HPAo.jpg
1) The Japanese home islands & waters (including south Sakhalin and the Kuriles) are now off the east coast of South America.
2) Manchukuo, assorted other parts of occupied China/eastern Inner Mongolia, and Korea are connected by land with Argentine Patagonia. Port Arthur is separated from Buenos Aires state by a fairly narrow strait, and the tip of Korea is separated from Uruguay by another fairly narrow strait.
3) The Bonin islands and the Japanese mandates of Micronesia end up in the South Atlantic, spread across much of the South Atlantic between the equator, Africa and the Brazilian bulge.
So 1-3 above affect all the parts of the Japanese Empire whose antipodes are in the the sea, the great majority of Japanese controlled territory and the great majority of the Japanese Army and Navy forces and infrastructure.
4) Things are different for imperial territories whose antipodes fall on land, Taiwan and the Ryukus. The land area only of those islands is teleported to the South American continent. Taiwan occupies central Paraguay, including the capital area of Asuncion, and a small part of the north Argentine state of "Formosa" ironically. The land area of the Ryukyu islands (best known being Okinawa) ends up scattered in their antipodal positions within the southern Brazilian states of Parana and Santa Catarina.
....on the opposite side of the world - http://imgur.com/PhMhItd
1) The Japanese empire, puppets and mandates have disappeared, replaced by South Atlantic sea floor and seawater. So that's the Japanese home islands, Manchuria, fringe territories of northeast China and eastern Inner Mongolia, Korea and Micronesia. There is a large sea where Manchuria used to be and Outer Mongolia now has a seacoast. Guam is isolated with thousands of miles of sea, rather than Micronesia, surrounding it.
2) The weirdest situation is reserved for the areas where Taiwan and the Ryukyus used to be. Their land area is occupied by the corresponding landmasses from South America. So China's new neighbors are the island of Paraguay and the small Brazilian island chain.
What happens from there, with militarist Japan now in the western hemisphere and Atlantic rather than in the Asia Pacific?