Post by Chrysi CatPost by pyotr filipivichPost by SolomonWHere is a challenge what would it take sometime in the past 20 years to
repeal the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution.
A lost civil war, and an end to the Republic as we knew it.
You think that would be enough?
If there is a true civil war (not a war of secession, but an
actual internal military & para-military clash over who fill, and who
will form the government and how will it organized) it is possible for
forces of the "Old Republic" to "lose" that war, and have the new
government formed by those opposed to private ownership.
Post by Chrysi CatI think it would take a lost World War
and the Chinese imposing a new constitution (with or without EU input)
on what had been the USA.
Despite all the foreign intervention in the civil wars following
the break up of the Russian Empire, the "Red Russians" were able to
hold their own against the Whites, Green, plus the British, U.S., and
Japanese interventions, and retained most of their territory. Okay,
they lost Poland, the Baltic states, Finland, and some others, but
they were able to regain most of those in the 1940s.
That said, it is possible for a Republic faction to lose as US
Civil war, without much in the way of invasion by other powers. OTOH,
I cannot see anyone seriously enforcing an embargo on _all_ the
factions in such a war. There will be "volunteers". Remember - at
least one faction will have a better claim to be The Legitimate
pyotr filipivich.
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