No Anglo-French guarantee to Poland; Hitler allies with Poland against the Soviet Union
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2018-04-03 06:58:40 UTC
What if Britain and France refused to give a guarantee to Poland (probably unlikely, but not impossible considering that they couldn't actually defend Poland without Soviet help) and thus Poland would have decided to ally with Hitler against the Soviet Union?

For the record, in this TL, Poland would agree to the return of Danzig to Germany as well as to the creation of a mile-long extraterritorial road in the middle of the Polish Corridor so that Germans could travel to and from East Prussia on land without ever passing through Poland. (I guess that a tunnel or two can be built under this extraterritorial road in order to allow Poles to travel from the northern to the southern parts of the Polish Corridor.)

Anyway, some questions:

1. Assuming that Nazi Germany and Poland jointly attack the Soviet Union through Polish territory in either spring 1940 or spring 1941, how successful would their invasion be?

Indeed, please keep in mind that Nazi Germany will not have the luxury of looting British and French military equipment in order to improve both its military and its logistics like it had in our TL. However, on the flip side, it will have the Polish Army as an ally.

2. If the Nazi-Polish invasion of the Soviet Union fails, does the war devolve into a stalemate or is the Soviet Union able to push the Nazis and Poles back?

Also, what happens to the Baltic countries in this TL? Do they get invaded by the Nazis and Poles or do they manage to remain neutral? Also, does Stalin invade them afterwards if he is winning the war?

3. Do Britain and France (who I'm assuming will remain neutral in this TL) give any aid to the Soviet Union in this TL, and if so, how much?

4. Is there an anti-Nazi coup in Germany in this TL if the Nazi-Polish invasion of the Soviet Union fails?

5. What does the post-war peace treaty look like in this TL?

For instance, does the Soviet Union lose any territory?

Also, alternatively, do Germany and/or Poland lose any territory?

6. Is there still a Holocaust in this TL? If so, how severe is it? For instance, does a much larger percentage of Polish Jews survive the Holocaust in this TL?

Indeed, please keep in mind that Nazi allies Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria had a larger percentage of their Jews survive the Holocaust than Nazi-occupied Poland had in our TL. (This is also true of Nazi ally Slovakia--though its Jews were even less fortunate than Hungarian, Romanian, and Bulgarian Jews were.)

Anyway, any thoughts on all of this?
2018-04-08 09:05:19 UTC
My first thought on this is that when it came up years ago some found it to be a nightmare scenario where nazis can win with no one complaining afterwards. Or alternatively, commies win and take much of europe.

The west would be angry about the Czech invasion, but the central powers here might still have full access to international trade, which means no fuel shortages. I also don't see a way to connect the Japanese agressions into the european ones, since it was the US navy fighting the subs that got Hitler to freak out and declare war. I'm sorry I don't know much about the Polish right wing military dictatorship. Would it have permitted activating the ukrainians as an ally?

Nils K. Hammer
